Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blog #5
I would agree with the opinion that Hannah and the author of the article takes. This opinion is that technology is becoming a common thing to this current generation. Technology is almost as familiar with us as exercise, sports, sleeping, going to school, etc. Everyday routines and activities now include technology. Therefore, by realizing that this is true, one can make (but doesn't have to) the assumption that technology should be embraced in academic settings. While adapting teaching lessons to include the use of technology, the role as teacher might change forms to some degree. The teacher may become more of a facilitator for the classes lessons. This would walk hand in hand with the contructivist approach we discussed many times in class. This type of approach can be taken without the use of technology, but technology is almost always used when teaching with a constructivist style. As technology is on the rise and is edging its way into every activity that we participate in, why not let it edge its way into the classroom? That is a question we all will have to ask as we pursue our lives as teachers. Everyone's answers will vary, as well as their rationale, but it is a question that all teachers will have to confront and even answer.

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