Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog #1

I am sure you have all read a blog, but have you written one before? What is your experience with and what are your impressions of blogging? How does it feel to be the person behind the blog?

                Blogging is definitely something very foreign to me. I have never written my own blog. I have never really had the desire to write one. I consider myself to be fairly technologically behind and I enjoy it. So this is my first experience with sharing my thoughts or opinions on the internet, except for the occasional facebook post. 
                 I have almost no experience with blogs. I have read a few blogs before, but it is mostly unexplored territory. My impressions had always been that someone creates a blog because they want to be heard or express themselves, because they deem their opinions and thoughts to be worthy of sharing. I think this is a pretty cool thing, especially since not everyone has to see these people's blog posts, but only those who are genuinely interested in what they are sharing. 
                 It feels a little weird to be the person behind the blog, because it has never been something I have wanted to do. The fact that someone will be reading your thoughts is pretty cool though. I feel like what I am saying matters, which is not a bad thing I guess.
                 Although this is my first experience with a blog, I think I will learn some valuable information on using technology in more diverse ways than I am used to. So, being as technology content as I am in the shallow waters of facebook, email, and youtube, I will attempt to humble myself and see what there is to learn.


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